Welcome to Chubbs

The Chubbs Peterson Invitational is a monthly outing that brings together golf-loving, liquor-slamming, good-time-chasing expats living in southern China.

March Event Begins in:

东莞银利外商高尔夫俱乐部, 广东省东莞市清溪镇 查看地图

The Gold

The top player of the day wears the gold and gets his name stitched onto the jacket, leaving their permanent mark on Chubbs history.

The Clown

The worst-performing man of the day must wear the bright colors that tell the world—I played like ass on a Chubb Sunday.

What Our Members Say

“The Chubbs Peterson Memorial Invitational is a monthly event for people ‘who like to get after it’. I use this phrase because despite any personal or professional disputes that might be going on at the time, all I see is a group that is bonded by having fun. In life, you rarely get to be your true self, let go, and open up to people. Within mere hours upon meeting some members, I knew that that was the vibe; and I’ll be eternally grateful. There are no pictures on the scorecard but I’m so thankful that there are some here. To look back on the beauty that is the Chubbs, and the beauties that make it happen.”

Anthony (Vancouver, Canada)

“Before I even knew Screen Golf existed, there was a legendary man named Diego. This man was my boss, and during our orientation week, he would force us to leave work in search of “extracurricular activities.” From there, we found a shitty little screen golf venue and it would never be the same again. Watching us go from a group of people who hardly knew each other, to friends who screen golf regularly, to the creation of our screen golf league, and now into Season 3 of Chubbs has been nothing short of miraculous considering the group of drunk degenerates that have made these things take life. I may have left Shenzhen but my heart is still with the boys and Chubbs.”

Spencer (Toronto, Canada)

“Oi, pessoal! Aqui é o Juan o brasileiro do grupo! Sim, aquele que trocou as chuteiras pelos tacos de golfe! Como ex-jogador de futebol profissional eu pensei que já tinha visto de tudo, mas a China e o golfe me surpreenderam de um jeito que eu nunca imaginei. Ainda sou novato no golfe e no Chubbs, mas cada tacada errada e cada risada com vocês têm sido pura alegria. Obrigado por me receberem de braços abertos e por transformarem minhas tentativas desastrosas em momentos inesquecíveis. Mal posso esperar para melhorar meu swing e compartilhar mais histórias (e piadas ruins) com todos vocês! Vamos continuar fazendo dessa nossa jornada no golfe algo incrível! Abraços do Brasil!”

JUan (Brazil)